Saturday, April 29, 2006

The floors have arrived.

Yesterday I when to Harwichport to pick up the hardwood floors. I went on the internet, and the floor supply in Harwichport had the best price for white oak. Thanks to John who loaned me a trailer, I was able to get all of the floor in one trip.
The hardest part was unloading the bundles (58).

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Working on Central Vac.

The Central Vac system will go into the boat cave. I started to put in the plumbing for the system about 2 weeks ago, and I'm almost finished. We ended up with 6 outlets, and a lot of pipes. (The builder is on vacation this week so you get picuters of pipes.)

Monday, April 24, 2006

Linda Stripping!

Linda is stripping wallpaper off of the TV room. We removed two doors and did some window work in this room, and the plasters said that they would skim coat the the patches, if the wall paper was removed.

Friday, April 21, 2006

The front of the house with siding.

The siding is progressing on the front of the house. It is getting to look like a whole house, not just an addition.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

The plastering is done inside the house.

The plastering is done in the big room, new kitchen, bedroom, bathroom and one stall of the garage. The plastering in the garage will be completed on Saturday. Maybe we can get the dust cleaned up before visitors on Sunday.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Sheet rock should be done today.

The sheetrockers have set up staging in the garage. They will have all of the sheetrock installed and should have all of the plastering done. I won'b be sorry to see the dust leave when they go.
Linda is stripping wallpaper in the TV room today. There was some plastering done in that room to close up a couple of doors. The plasters will touch up the walls in the TV room when the wallpaper is removed.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

The old front door went away!

When I can home today, the front door that I had been using was gone. The temporary stairs had been removed and the trim was started. When I'm in the room that the door was in, I look out of the window, and my reaction is "I left the door open". This will take a little getting used to. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, April 13, 2006

There are sheet rockers everywhere

The sheet rockers showed up to day at 7:00 am. They were here yesterday
and got a lot of the sheet rock put up, but the garage still needed to be done.

At 7:15 am , they were hanging sheetrock in the garage, putting coner bead on the wall in the big room.
Mixing plaster
Plastering the cealing.
It was a little busy this morning.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

The sheetrock is here.

The sheetrock showed up, but no installers. We have sheetrock and plaster in every room and in the garage. The installers should be here today at 7AM. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Sheet rock is being installed today

The sheet rock was delivered yesterday, and the insulation was completed last week. We expect the sheet rock to be installed and completed this week. The door in the picture goes in the wall hiding the secret stairs to the attic.

Friday, April 07, 2006

More Work on Siding

Dick is working on the siding on the lake side of the house. The insulation has all been installed, and the sheet rockers are comming next week. Also next week, the old front door may be converted into a window.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006


We have been using the 3 season porch. We have been moved out of the space that will become the kitchen. As we sit in the porch, We have been watching the house finches build nests in the unfinished eves. There are six nests being built, one on each board in the gable.

Monday, April 03, 2006

Temporary walls.

The temporary wall in the TV room has been removed. We are loosing another 3ft of space in the TV room so that the sheet rock folks can get all of the walls covered. The temporary wall in the new kitchen should be taken down later today to also make room for sheet rockers. The old kitchen temporary wall will be moved to the TV room.
The end results of the wall replacement. We will have 3ft less space in the TV room, we will loose the new kitchen space, and we will be moving to the 3 season porch.