Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Blasting at work.

There has been a lot of construction in the lot next to my work. Recently the workers have been laying a large drainage pipe. Where that have been digging the ditch they needed to blast rock out of the way. For the last week, we get two blasts a day . The blast occurs at about 35 seconds.

New Garden

I had a rhododendron in the front of the house that was not doing well. It was not getting enough water or sun. I remove a broken tree and was going to move the rhododendron to a new garden in back of the swing. In the process of moving the plant, I broke it. We went out a got a Hydrangea to replace it.

Keeping the dock clean

We have had more geese come to visit. Up to 50 at one time. The geese tend to make a mess out of the dock. I don't mind them fertilizing the lawn, but I want to use the dock. I got a motion controlled sprinkler and aimed it at the dock. When the geese come up on the dock, they should get sprayed with water. Lets hope it works.

Here is a closeup of the sprinkler.

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Goose family.

We have a goose family that comes to visit everyday. They wander around my new lawn for a couple of hours and then are gone for a couple of hours. I'm not sure where they spend the night. Every year since we moved in we have had a goose family to watch during the summer.