Friday, June 29, 2007

Linda and the red army.

Last weekend we were in Pennsylvania for a wedding. While we were there we visited two Frank Loyd Wright houses. One of the houses was Kentuck Knob. This house had a meadow devoted to sculptures . Here is a picture of Linda with a sculpture called the British Red Army.
I counted over 900 red figures.

Moving dirt this weekend

Our sewer connection was made two years ago. The area around the manhole has settled up to two feet. I would like to get this cleaned up, because it is our access to the lake. I started to move dirt to fill in the holes. I hope to completely fill in the area and plant new grass this weekend.

Here is a picture of the pile of dirt that used to be the lawn. I will be taking dirt from this pile.

Monday, June 25, 2007

New Art for the Art Garage

When we were in Pittsburg, we had a chance to stop at the Andy Wahol musemum. I picked up one of his flowers for the garage.

Falling Waters

This weekend Linda and I went to Pennsylvania for a wedding. The wedding was wonderful, but we also had a change to go see Falling Waters. We have wanted to visit the Frank Lloyd Wright house for a long time, but we were never close enough to visit. The house is as amazing as the shows we have seen of it say.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Lump in the grass.

Linda and I were watching a lump move up the lawn from the lake this morning. It looked like a moving rock. I had to investigate.

I was a mother turtle going to lay some eggs.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Washing windows.

When we built the house we wanted to take advantage of the view of the lake, so we put in a lot of windows. Linda started washing windows last week, she is still at it, and there are still more windows to clean. The three season porch has 12 windows and a door with a window in it. I need to fold down the window that she cannot get to from the outside before she cam clean them.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Closet is done.

Here is the before and after pictures of the closet. The new shelves went in the closet today. I don't think the closet will ever be empty again.

Cedar wallpaper, holes in the walls, funny smell

Patched walls, new paint, new shelves, paint smell.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Next project area.

The side of the house is the next area that needs to be cleaned up. We plan on installing a block wall and a driveway.

Friday, June 08, 2007

Herb Garden.

Linda went to the local farm store last weekend. She took a class on planting a herb garden in a pot. She then purchased all of the plants that they talked about in the class for her garden. After buying all of the plants, she won the demo garden that they made in class. When Linda got home, she went to Walmart to get a large pot for the plants that she purchased. After planting the first pot, back to Walmart to get another pot so the two gardens match.

Mint plants from our old garden went into the old pot.

Thursday, June 07, 2007


I got the mulch installed and the gutters were installed this week. I got the grass planted over the tree stump. I will still need to deal with the down spouts on the gutters.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

More garden work.

I got some bushes planted. (It takes two scoops with the backhoe to dig a hole for a bush) We put in the same plants that were in the front of the house when we first moved in. The old plants were huge and doing well so we think these plants will do well also. I am adding a brick border to keep the grass out of the bushes.
I have added landscape fabric to keep the weeds down, and I will have more pictures of the front of the house after I get the mulch in.

Friday, June 01, 2007

More problems with the truck.

I spent all my spare time for the last two days fixing the truck again. On Wednesday night I went to move the truck, and it would not start again. (maybe the battery wasn't the only problem!) I climbed under the truck and found the rusted-out starter cable. In the process of getting the bad cable out of the truck, I broke a stud off of the starter.

A new starter $100.00
A new lug for the bad cable $1.80
A truck that will start priceless.