Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Burros in Custer State Park

The burros in Custer State Park are not indigenous to the area, but were introduced in the 1920’s by an entrepreneur who used them to carry tourists up Mt. Harney. When his venture failed in the 1930’s, he let the burros loose. Currently there are two small herds, about 15-20 burros in each. Although the burros behave in an extraordinarily gentle manner, considering their size, they do occasionally kick with their hind legs, and sometimes will nip a tourist. The herds are kept within manageable size by selling some every year during the bison auction. The burros will make their desire known, by sticking their head into an open window.
We did not have food, so I kept the window closed, Linda was very upset with me, She wanted a lap full of burro head.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Black Hills in South Dakota

Last week, Linda and I were on vacation in the Black Hills of South Dakota. We did some hiking and a lot of tourist stuff. First is a picture of the Black Hills.

About 100 miles to the west of the Black Hills is Devils tower, made famous buy the movie "Close Encounters of the Third Kind." It was a good day trip.
Another stop was Mount Rushmore. I will be putting up a number of pictures of this trip over the next week or so. I am glad I am back a work so I can rest.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

New Driveway

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Time to plant grass.

I got the rest of the dirt spread this weekend. Now I need to clean up the remaining rocks and plant grass.