Friday, December 26, 2008

Ice Storm Tuesday Status (12/23/08)

The power came back on Tuesday afternoon just in time for Christmas. Linda and I spent Tuesday afternoon putting the house back together, Christmas was coming on Wednesday for the children and grand children. There were things we lost in the dark that finally show up and all of the generator stuff needed to be stored away till the next time we need it.

I am glad that the power outage is over!!!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Ice Storm Tuesday Status (12/23/2008)

Now that National Grid has taken over the power repair of Lunenburg, a new command center was setup at the High School. We think we might get power today.
On our street a couple of power trucks showed up this morning. Things are really looking up.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Ice Storm Monday Status (12/22/08)

Boy is this getting old. On Friday we got 10 inches of snow, on Saturday we got 2 inches of snow and on Sunday it snowed another 10 inches. We still have no power, the power company Unitil was replaced by National Grid on Saturday and then we finally saw power repair trucks. Today makes 11 days without power. We may have power by Christmas. (If no power by Christmas I will need some more D batteries.)

We have a generator, which makes things better. We have heat, hot water, and the refrigerator is running. We have phone, Internet and cable. We have the TV and a couple of lights that work off of the generator. The only down side is that the generator only runs for 2 1/2 hours before it needs to be refilled with gas and we walk around the house at night with an assortment of flashlights.

I was starting to build Linda's Christmas present (two tables). I have the tables all built and I just need to sand and stain them, but we haven't had power or time to finish them. When I got the wood for the tables, the owner of the wood store wanted to know if I needed the tables for Christmas, or were they Christmas presents. Looks like the Christmas presents won't be ready for Christmas.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Ice Storm Thursday Status

On Tuesday Night we got 2 inches of snow, and we still do not have power. The snow covered up the some of the tree limbs, but there is still a lot of junk showing. I got the shed door open, and I have moved some of the brush into piles. We may get power by the weekend, currently only 40% of the houses in town have power.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

More Ice Storm Pictures

Lauren was at the house for the ice storm. She forgot her camera, but used my instead. Here is some of her pictures from the storm.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Ice Storm Tuesday Status

We got hammered by the ice storm last Thursday night. This is the view from the street toward the house on Friday morning.

The top of a cedar tree ended up on the shed. I had to cut my way into the shed to get gas for the generator.
You can tell you are in a bad place when the TV crews stops at the end of the street to do their live broadcasts.
This morning (Tuesday) we still have no power. I have been running the generator since Friday. I found my Internet, cable, and phone connection, being supported by a tree in the neighbors yard.

The ice melted on Monday, but I still have a mess to deal with.

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Dining Table Extensions. (part 2)

I have got the tables built. The missing top is on a bench being sanded. I have been testing the way the wood (ash) takes different stains. I want go get the color close to the dinning table. While I was working on the extension tables, I found out I could add another leaf to the dinning table. Today I went out and got some more wood to make the leaf. I'll want to stain the tables and leaf at the same time. All I need to do now is to build a leaf, sand everything and stain.