Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Lego Trains for Thanksgiving

We got out the old Lego trains this weekend, and Will was up at the crack of dawn to build them. He built the trains most of the day.
Rory spent quality time with the trains as well
After a full day of playing with the trains, the trains and track had been completely disassembled. We spent part of Thursday evening sorting and rebuilding the train cars . Everyone helped put things back together.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Ladders in New Mexico

On vacation in New Mexico Linda and I visited a number of pueblos and old cliff dwellings. One notable feature of all of these places was the number and size of the ladders. Linda and I climbed more ladders than I care to count.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Touring New Mexico

Last week Linda and I traveled around New Mexico, here is a few of the things we saw.

This is Bandelier National Monument where we hiked through the Indian cliff dwellings. We also saw cliff dwellings on the Santa Clara Pueblo reservation.

We toured Acoma Pueblo (City in the Sky). This pueblo is located on the top of a mesa.

We made it to the Bradbury Science Museum in Los Alamos, home of the Manhattan project.

We toured Santa Fe's art galleries.

Stopped in Roswell,

Visited Smokey the Bear State Park.

Halloween in Albuquerque

Last week Linda and I went on a vacation to Albuquerque NM. We arrived on October 30th just in time for Halloween in Old Town Albuquerque.

Where we saw musical zombies.

Humpty-Dumpty zombies
And we also saw a costume pet parade.
With one-eyed rodeo clown dog.

and a grape dog.